Design Ideas to Make Your Custom Lotion Boxes Attractive

 Some engaging designs for your custom lotion boxes can upgrade their shelf effect and visibility. To help you out in making your custom boxes look more attractive, here are some design ideas you could follow.

Apply a Unique Design for Your Lotion Boxes

One of the simplest approaches to upgrade the appearance of your lotion boxes is by applying a unique design. You could go with polka, stripes, chevron, or other designs.

These patterns work well with distinctive colors along or with other visual elements. For clean and simple designs, you could also go with Spot UV that gives an elegant look to the whole packaging.

Use Your Lotion Packaging Wholesale as Storyboards

Your lotion packaging wholesale is your opportunity to present your brand story. This will eventually help you to build up an affinity with your customers.

You could describe your starting point, what your brand offers, and its utilization, and so on. In case you need more space to print stories on the boxes, you could print your official website link as well. In this way, customers would surely want to browse more on the web.

Try To Use All the Surfaces of Your Lotion Packaging

As a brand, you surely have more product details to print on your lotion packaging than different items, in actuality. Well, you would not need to stress over pressing everything on the front side of your packaging. Today, many packaging companies allow their clients to print on all sides of their custom boxes in one go. Most importantly, you could use the front side to brand your item and other different sides to give essential data such as the list of ingredients, the instruction to use, cautions, expiry date, and more.

Give Intriguing Shapes to Your Custom Lotion Boxes

Most lotion bottles are in round and hollow shapes. Well, you could also get your custom lotion boxes created in round and hollow shapes. These intriguing shapes will catch the eyes of every passing by. Accordingly, these boxes will assist in separating your lotions from the rest.

You need to remember that wholesale lotion packaging that is created for your item should not be difficult to store. Additionally, it should offer the greatest assurance to your item inside. Being space-proficient and lighter in weight will be an extra property, which will be beneficial for you as a brand.

Use Inner Sides of Your Boxes

So far, many brands have been using all the sides of the boxes. This can make extra inventive packaging alternatives that will be amazed by their customers. In fact, it will assist them in creating more sales. You could actually use the inner sides of your custom boxes.

You could print some insight directions about your custom lotion boxes on the internal sides of the boxes. This will help customers to get valuable data in a strategic yet classy way. Small speculation of time and considerations can assist your brand in making dazzling packaging alternatives that will be more attractive.


  1. One of the first things that custom toy boxes do is build your brand's identity. It is so because your boxes represent your brand. If the boxes are nicely made, you can expect customers to talk about them already. Not only do they make customers identify your brand, but they also leave a lasting impact on them.


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